Friday, January 23, 2009

get up cmon yall get down w/the sickness

i was excited that i got alot of hours last week. that in combonation with the decent amount of hours i was going to get this week, would have paid for my new bike.  but that was before THE SICKENING.  had to leave early on wed.  missed yesterday, and now have to call out today.  sweet.  no bike, no fun, and look like an asshole at work.  tried to call out already but i kept getting disconnected.  not sure why. could be tech reasons. or maybe boss is pissed and doesnt want to talk right now.  or it could be really busy.  either way im waiting a little while.  i just wanted to give them the heads up as early as possible.  

at least today instead of a dry cough, i have a very wet cough.  it is THE WETTENING.  hopefully this means it will all be gone tomorrow.  it would be nice to pay rent. is this godbro/the lordbro's birthday gift to me?  what a jerk.  

i have a bowl next to the computer, its a light green old tupperware bowl.  i call it our puke bowl.  for putting next to the bed when you are sick or have the spins. anyone else have one?  i coughed so the hard in the shower i almost threw up, so it seemed like a good idea to keep it close.  also it gives me somewhere to spit the shit out of my mouth that comes up during THE COUGHENING.

pretty fucking gross


just called in. i guess it was super busy.  boss was pissed that i was trying to call during lunch. said in not very friendly tones to wait till after 2.  
damn didnt realize it took more than a minute to take a call in.  or that as much as advanced warning as possible wouldnt be appreciated.  they said advanced warning is 1 hour.  everywhere else ive ever worked has a strict 2 hour at least call in policy.  and i felt like shit already about calling in.  i even tried to go in yesterday even though i felt like shit.  so now im probably in trouble.  fucking great.  probably get fired

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