Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
i really really hate banks. deposited money today. why is it not available? because of them i will cant order my fucking bike that i have been waiting to have money for since forever. wtf bank
i would love to see bank presidents be eaten by dogs.
Also i have been charged an over draft fee for being 35 cents over limit, with the charge tacked on the same day it happened.
Friday, January 23, 2009
get up cmon yall get down w/the sickness
i was excited that i got alot of hours last week. that in combonation with the decent amount of hours i was going to get this week, would have paid for my new bike. but that was before THE SICKENING. had to leave early on wed. missed yesterday, and now have to call out today. sweet. no bike, no fun, and look like an asshole at work. tried to call out already but i kept getting disconnected. not sure why. could be tech reasons. or maybe boss is pissed and doesnt want to talk right now. or it could be really busy. either way im waiting a little while. i just wanted to give them the heads up as early as possible.

at least today instead of a dry cough, i have a very wet cough. it is THE WETTENING. hopefully this means it will all be gone tomorrow. it would be nice to pay rent. is this godbro/the lordbro's birthday gift to me? what a jerk.
i have a bowl next to the computer, its a light green old tupperware bowl. i call it our puke bowl. for putting next to the bed when you are sick or have the spins. anyone else have one? i coughed so the hard in the shower i almost threw up, so it seemed like a good idea to keep it close. also it gives me somewhere to spit the shit out of my mouth that comes up during THE COUGHENING.
pretty fucking gross

just called in. i guess it was super busy. boss was pissed that i was trying to call during lunch. said in not very friendly tones to wait till after 2.
damn didnt realize it took more than a minute to take a call in. or that as much as advanced warning as possible wouldnt be appreciated. they said advanced warning is 1 hour. everywhere else ive ever worked has a strict 2 hour at least call in policy. and i felt like shit already about calling in. i even tried to go in yesterday even though i felt like shit. so now im probably in trouble. fucking great. probably get fired
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
on monday morning i felt as though i might be getting a cold, but since i was drinking all day it was hard to tell. yesterday i felt like i had a cold, but i had been drinking all day monday, so it was hard to tell. today i know i have a cold. i hate being sick. fucking sudden weather changes always end up making me sick. have to work today, but im not sure if i should call in. i think im going to go and just try to leave early.
watched "the wackness" yesterday. not that good.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
shit now i cant decide what bike to get. i was going to order the leader 725, but it wont ship till the end of jan, and one of the main reasons i was going to get it was the price. but it doesnt come with a fork, which will be another 100 bucks, plus bb, headset and all that. i feel like i could wait and maybe get a better bike with at least a fork. also i would get the 721 cause its only 189$, but i hear it has rear tire clearance issues. i was excited about order ing a new bike but now i am frustrated. tonight is a giant suck. wish someone i knew was selling a bike that would fit me.
i am frustrated that my job that i need to be at as much as possible to pay my bills makes it hard for me to be available for projects i want to be involved in. i wish our schedules came out earlier so i could work around it easier. or somehow make meetings take place at midnight. im always awake and not at work at midnight. i just want to make orlando better and my life a little more meaningful.
trying really hard to be a helpful force in the building of the bike co-op, but i keep having to work during meetings or not having transportation. and now im worried that it will be far away from me making it even harder to get to.
on an awesome note, i am ordering my frame tomorrow. and the bbq should be awesome. if i can get there.
sucks my bicycle is broken.
i hate feeling left out
Sunday, January 11, 2009
well im gonna miss monster monday tomorrow. working mon thru fri this week. kinda sucks having to work all the days that the things i like to do take place (fnb/mondaymadness) but i need the hours. i guess it will be cool having sat/sun off in a row.
cant believe i just heard of elliot smith two days ago. what an amazing musician.
i want to learn orienteering. but not enough to buy a kit, those things are like 170 bucks.
damn i wish i had a new bike. and a movie to watch. hamlet 2 was pretty funny.
rented tuvalu but havent watched it yet.
Friday, January 9, 2009
my day off (or adventures in babysitting)
yesterday was a blast. met up with facefullofnotasmuchhairanymore at alchemy which was kind of awkward, but only because i made it seem that way to myself i guess. then it was off to ethos for some grub. i had a couple o cookies. stopped by lucy''s studio to say whats up, but we diddnt have food for her. then off to acemetric so jeremy could pick up his sweet new fusion rims. then we chilled there and drank some beers with the blackshaw. got some sweet footage of them doing tricks at the train station across the street. that building is awesome. then we split up and i went to bens to hang out since he had just gotten back from tour. had a good time there with him and max. after that i was feeling pretty good and it was off to hoops. that was fun of course. left kind of early with max which was a good thing, because i didnt want to get too drunk. dropping me off at my house we had a great conversation about how awesome our girlfriends are.

all told badass day off.
unfortunately i missed the bike co-op meeting. hopefully someone will bring me up to speed. i really want to help get this thing off the ground. it would be an awesome thing for orlando to have. looks promising so far.
the only thing missing was this

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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