Woke up at 845 am (which is a time that should not even exist its so fucking early) to go to fairwinds, which googlemaps doesnt show in my area, but fortunately the banks homepage does. otherwise it would have been a ride to baaldwin park.
however it shows it on the wrong side of the road. So i rode quite a bit out of my way staring blindly into the rising sun looking for this damn place before turning back and realizing that it is really only a few hundred feet from my house. and the only reason i needed to go to the stupid bank to day was to pay rent. 2 days late. 2 days late = 100 dollar late fee. property is fucking theft. anyways after that shit i went home and back to sleep, in our reason for paying late, that is, our new bed. Which is awesome. Then I woke up and remembered i had to bring sarah her damn magic money card so she could eat for lunch. so I rode down to cph and on the way a car decided to just make a left directlyin front of me. which caused me to slide out of control, hit a curb, and cause lots of damage to my cash and prizes. meanwhile these assholes are just staring at me like "wtf are you doing existing in the road??!!" thats the last time i ride without my u-lock!
not that i guess i could have done anything to the perps, i was to busy making other drivers think i was nuts (ha!) by riding with my hand in my pants fixing my genitalias orientation.

also i swear that the wind hates me. it changes direction so that no matter what direction im going i constantly have a head wind.
whatever, long story short, i had a great meal from ethos consisting of broc, mash, seitan, and gravy.
and from now on the rest of the posts will be beard related

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