Thursday, January 1, 2009


1 comment:

Shawn said...

I wish I could see this. I always do the blog at work and our puters here block EVERYTHING! It's ridiculous.

I was just thinking about it and I'll bet you know someone who might want to trade a decent bike for some vinyl. I was thinking about selling a bunch of my albums but I'd rather trade if I could. It's easier that way. I've got some good grindcore and crustcore from the 90's I never listen to anymore. One of my crown jewels is Slap-A-Ham's 3rd Bleeeaaaaargh 7". Last I saw it's asking price on ebay was $50 starting. I have a few other really good, hard-to-get records , too, I haven't checked on prices yet. Let me know if you know of anyone who might be interested.