Friday, January 30, 2009


i really really hate banks.  deposited money today. why is it not available?  because  of them i will cant order my fucking bike that i have been waiting to have money for since forever.  wtf bank

i would love to see bank presidents be eaten by dogs.  

Also i have been charged an over draft fee for being 35  cents over limit, with the charge tacked on the same day it happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


and i cant pay my credit card bill because their website is conveniently
(for them) not available today, the day before the first--the day on which payments are due.

so i can either pay $30 for a late fee plus another $30 because that would put me over my limit...or im sure they would be more than happy to take my payment by phone, seeing as id be paying a service fee...